Triumphant Speaks on the Importance of Living in Harmony in Life and in Music

Triumphant is set to release their StowTown Records debut "Living in Harmony" on April 14th. The group consists of David Sutton (tenor), Clayton Inman (lead), Scott Inman (baritone), and Eric Bennett (bass). They are known for being the only established full-time Southern Gospel quartet to never change membership among the vocalists.
Known for songs such as "I Bring You Forgiveness," "Don't Let the Sandals Fool Ya," "Hey, Jonah," "The Great I Am Still Is," "The Old White Flag", and "When the Trumpet Sounds," they have been nominated by the Singing News Fan Awards for Favorite Song of the Year in 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 respectively. The group was bestowed the honor of the "Favorite Traditional Male Quartet" award by the magazine's readers from 2009-2014.
Hallels: Congratulations on the release of your new album "Living in Harmony." I believe this is your first album with StowTown Records. What do you think Wayne Haun and StowTown bring to this record that makes this new album different?
This is our first album with Stowtown and immediately they bring a great excitement, have an incredible team assembled & are like family. We have had a great working relationship with Wayne Haun through the years,Including our Grammy nominated album in 2009. "Living in Harmony" musically reminds us of that recording. We feel like this album is filled with great melodies & strong biblical lyrics
Hallels: I was really moved by the title cut of your new album "Living in Harmony." In the song you talk about how if the church can live in harmony, she can become a great witness for the Gospel. Thus, harmony is more than just a politically right thing to do. Rather, it's intrinsically tied to the Gospel. Would you like to unpack that a little more for us? Why do you think harmony is important as far as the Gospel is concerned?
This a major subject in our world, Church & family. You can watch the news and see division. The Church itself is divided, every denomination is the right and only denomination. All the while there is a lost and dying world in need of a Savior.. They look at us in this state of division and think, "why do i want to be a part of that?". What if we allCame together, for the cause ofChrist? this world would be a different place! Of course in gospel music "harmony" is the foundation it was built upon. We have been singing together as a group for 13 years and we've learned that Harmony off stage is even more important than the Harmony on stage.
Hallels: I once served in a very difficult church where they were fractions and divides all over. So, what are some practical ways we can live in harmony with each other especially in churches where there is a history of contentions?
Determine the goal and ask what do we need to do to reach that goal. Obviously the goal of the Church is to reach the lost and disciple the believer. An individual's "method" should be secondary. Church's are filled with all different ages from all different walks of life and upbringings. We 'vet gotta be open minded and listen to one another. Everyone brings something to the table. It's kind of like writing a song..3 minds are better than one. One writer may only bring one line to the song.. But it might be "the"Line that makes the song thrive.
Hallels: On this new record, you have cover Phillips,Craig and Dean's "A Friend Called Grace." Why did you choose to record this song?
Yes yes yes! I grew up listening to PC&D. Sang many of their songs in Church growing up. We were listening to music for the new album and Wayne Haun said he had a song from the early 90s he wanted us to hear. the intro kicked off & I was in shock and it took me back a few years. I'm very excited about this song, never imagined We'd record it but I'm glad we did. The message is very strong. No matter what you've done or where you've been.. God's "Grace" is Greater!
Hallels: One of my favorite songs on the new album is the ballad "I Belong to Jesus." What was the inspiration behind this song?
My wife and I visited a Church and the theme of the month there was "I belong to Jesus" I was immediately struck by that simple phrase. I had never really heard it put that way. What an amazing privilege it is to say that. Sue Smith co-wrote the song and added the line "it's freedom I can say, I belong to Jesus".It's freedom to belong.
Hallels: Have you started incorporating these new songs into your live performances? Which songs have you incorporated? And how have your fans reacted to them?
We have tried a few out and they've worked well! The few are; "Living in Harmony", "Amazing God" & "Has There Ever Been. The latter is a really Moving lyric that works well during the invitation time in the concert. The group is Excited about performing the rest of the selections very soon.
Hallels: For our readers who may want to catch you live or purchase the new disc or if they want to find out more about you, where can they go? You follow us on twitter & Like us on Facebook as well. We always update & post important info in social media regularly.
Tags : triumphant triumphant interview Triumphant Quartet triumphant hallels interview triumphant living in harmony triumphant new album triumphant news southern gospel news StowTown Records
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