Natasha Owens Speaks About How God Used Her Dad's Tragic Death & Her Depression to Craft Her New Album

Natasha Owens is set to return July 7th with her upcoming album, We Will Rise - featuring the brand new single, "I Am Loved." Quietly released in April, the "I Am Loved" lyric video has exploded with nearly 200,000 views to date, thanks to an increasingly growing fanbase that has been anxiously awaiting new music since the 2016 release of her No One But You EP.
2017 has kept Natasha busy, recording her upcoming album with award-winning producer Ed Cash (Dave Barnes, Stephen Curtis Chapman, Chris Tomlin, Vince Gill) while simultaneously touring with 7eventh Time Down, Audio Adrenaline, Greg Sikes and Austin French on the "God Is On The Move" Spring Tour. She's also been on the road for additional tour dates with JJ Weeks and John Waller and also performing support slots for both Plumb and Matthew West.
Q: Natasha, thanks for your time. Congratulations on the forthcoming release of "We Will Rise." I have read that the album was triggered by the death of your dad and your bout with depression. Can you tell us a little of what happened to your dad and your ensuing depression?
7 years ago my dad was cleaning his guns and there was a bullet in the chamber. With a Glock you have to pull the trigger to take the slide off. When he did, a bullet hit him right in the heart. He was gone in less than a minute. I tried to stay strong for everyone around me. I pushed the grief further and further down. It was the 1 year anniversary before I even started to deal with it. I down spiraled quickly into depression. I questioned why and when I didn't get an answer, I became very angry at God.
It wasn't long before I was convinced that no one loved me and that the world would be better off without me. God crossed my path and the perfect time. If he hadn't, I wouldn't be alive today. After I recovered, God opened up the door to create a cd. My mission was to create a restoration Cd for the broken. Each song talked about a different topic to help someone make it through a trial. We named it "I made it through". I thought this was my mission but I was wrong. God began to work on me that making it through was not the real message. That rising above was the true message. So I knew I had my direction for the second cd.
Q: What did you do to help yourself overcome depression? How are you now?
During my depression, I was asked to be a music minister. I would concentrate on the songs for that week and I would realize, during the first song, that I was out of bed. So I used the songs to help me function everyday. I would write scripture on a piece of paper and put in my pocket. When I was feeling a negative emotion or thoughts, i would pull out the piece of paper and start reading. It wasn't long before I felt peace and felt like I could overcome it. Sometimes I had to read them every 5 mins. But I was training my mind to overcome. And it worked. Now I have temporary scripture tattoos that I put on my arm so I can arm myself with Gods word.
I'm good now. I have my moments to where I have to fight my thoughts. But I am now an overcomer on the other side of depression.
Q: In the midst of this, you received a call to serve in your church. What was the nature of the calling? How did you feel about your ministry now?
Six months into my depression, my pastor called and asked me to be the music minister. I was so angry at God. I did feel like I could motivate people and tell them how great God was when I didn't feel like he was great. I turned down the position. I couldn't get out of bed everyday. How was I going to help other people? He kept calling me. The last time he called, he said "I just want you to listen. He said as you pour out to people every Sunday from a flow that God will give you, you will get your healing in return."
I was at a place in my life to where I couldn't pray and I certainly couldn't open up my bible. I asked him if that's the type of music minister that he wanted. He said "that's the type of music minister that God wants". He happen to call on the right day and said the right words to me. I felt like God was giving me an out and if I didn't take it I wouldn't survive. I'm so glad I said yes. It took me years to dig out of my hole. But from that day forward I didn't get further away from God. That position was a training ground for what I am doing now.
Q: How did you connect with producer Ed Cash? What do you appreciate of Ed's contribution to the project?
Ed cash is a pretty amazing man. My manager called his production company and requested a 10 minute meeting with Ed. They agreed and the 10 min meeting turned into 3 hours. I told ed about the vision I had for this record. A lady that I had went to church with sent me an email 4 years ago and said she had a dream and didn't know what it meant. That all throughout the dream it kept repeating that I made it through was not the true message that rising above was the True message and he was going to take me there on wings. She had no idea I had recorded a cd called I makes it through. So I knew that was a message from God. I was telling Ed about this dream, when he stood and abruptly left the room. When he returned he said,"I don't know you very well and I don't know how you would take this but as you were talking God gave me a song and I wanted to get it down on voice memos." He began to play and sing the chorus to We Will Rise. I started to cry bc, up to that point, I did not have the core song to my cd. Ed agreed that day to co write with me and to produce my record. I appreciate eds humbleness, his sensitivity to hear Gods voice and of course his creativity.
Q: Did you write most of the songs on the new record? Did you have any co-writers?
I did write most of my songs. I have several co writers. One being my husband, David. For 6 months, he wanted to be apart of my ministry but he couldn't play or sing. He prayed one night that God would help him figure out his place in my ministry. That night, God gave him a dream that played out like a music video in his head. After 4 nights of having the same dream he finally told me about them. I immediately related to what he was saying. I felt exactly like the dream during my depression. I told him to write that down- that it was a song. When we started writing, we took that notebook and wrote songs from his dreams. No one but you was the first song that myself, my husband and the head of my band, Cass, had written. I co wrote several with Ed Cash and Cody Norris. One of my favorite co writers is Landy Maughon.
Q: Having not heard the album yet, what are some of the songs you are most excited about? And why?
We will rise bc I feel that God breathed into that song the way it was created. Its message is perfect for anyone that needs reminding that they can rise above.
"Legacy" has a special place in my heart. This song is a tribute to my dad. On how he lived and what he felt God wanted to see in your legacy.
"No one but you" is for all the people, like me, who hides their broken pieces from everyone.
"Wings" is for anyone who regrets their past. It's our past that makes us who we are today. The same wind that knocked me down gave me wings.
Q: You have also been touring with a hosts of CCM and worship artists. Any chance of recording with some of your tour mates like Michael W. Smith or Jason Crabb?
I would love to record with Jason, Michael or JJ weeks. Who knows. Stay tuned. We might surprise you in the near future.
Q: How do you wish "We Will Rise" would impact the lives of your listeners for God's glory?
So many times people get stuck and don't make it through or they make it through and say until next time. God wants us to do more than survive. He wants us to thrive. I truly believe that God made us to help other along this journey of life. I pray that the listener hear and feel God in the songs and not necessarily me. I pray that the music would give them the courage to allow God to heal their pieces. And then take their knowledge and experience a step further and seek out to help others. The scripture says it's the word of our testimony that we shall overcome. Our world needs to see a movement of overcommers.
Tags : natasha owens natasha owens interview natasha owens we will rise natasha owens news natasha owens new album ed cash
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