Memorial Day 2013: Comments Made By Christian Musicians
As Memorial Day 2013 draws to a close, many Christian musicians have chosen to utilize twitter in order to reflect on the occasion.
Some artists posted photos and different media to accompany their patriotic sentiments,
Here are a few examples of Christian musicians' Memorial Day- related Twitter posts:
Chris Tomlin (@christomlin) tweeted, "We celebrate and remember today this beautiful land and its freedoms. Thank you to all our veterans and those serving today."
Kutless (@kutless) tweeted, "We are so #grateful for those who #serve. This past year we started the #KMMP to support our troops everyday."
Brandon Heath (@brandonheath) posted, "Thank you Service men and women. We can worship God whenever, wherever we want to because of you. Freedom isn't free. Our thanks to you!"
Colton Dixon (@coltondixon) tweeted, "Land of the free because of the brave. #MemorialDay"
Peter Furler (@PeterFurler) posted saying, "Happy Memorial day everyone! A very special thank You to our Servicemen and Women, past and present!"
Michael W. Smith (@michaelwsmith) tweeted, "Memorial Day 2013. Prayers & thanks for all of those who serve, have served & their families. So many sacrifices that can not be counted!
Building429 (@building429) posted, "Happy Memorial Day! Thanks so much for those who served and who will serve in protecting this amazing country."
Natalie Grant (@NatalieGrant) tweetedm, "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ~ Joseph Campbell #MemorialDay"
Phillips Craig Dean (@pcdguys) posted, "Today we are remembering all the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who have served and given their..."
Sidewalk Prophets (@swprophets) tweeted simply, "Remembering all that have served on this #memorialday."
TobyMac (@therealtobymac) posted, "Sweet Memorial Day weekend at the lake. We remember all those who died in battle serving our country."
Do you have anything to reflect upon after this Memorial Day? Feel free to share!
Tags : Memorial Day 2013 Twitter Posts Christian musicians
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