Ios 8 Bug Round Up: Going Back To ios7.1.2 And So Far The Best Decision To Make

Ios 8 Bug Round Up: Going Back To ios7.1.2 And So Far The Best Decision To Make
If not all, almost all of Apple users are upgrading their systems into ios8, and those who did already experienced suffering from numerous uncontested bugs which cannot be easily fixed, ending up downgrading back to ios7.1.2 and so far the best decision to make. To avoid such hustle and inconvenience, we list some of these bugs and how these bugs will affect its efficiency and why to not upgrade your systems to ios8 yet.
The Blue Screen of Death, originally from a windows platform can appear on an apple platforms nowadays. Among the list of bugs, the BSOD usually appears in iPad mini wherein the system will randomly reboot and then there goes the blue screen popping out of nowhere on your iPad. Some of the users already expressed their wrath on social media platforms such as Twitter and obviously that experience will cause inconvenience from the side of the users.
Auto rebooting in recovery mode after upgrading to ios8 is another major bug that this system is suffering from. Those who have encountered this did a full restoration through iTunes to escape this loop. Major fall back is that some of the applications are not fully functioning.
The Safari file Upload seems to be broken and that is a huge problem for those who actively use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and some of the social media sites that we share our photos with.
The Healthkit framework bugs make your entire compatible applications break. Due to its trouble to ios8 users, Apple decided to pull back all of Healthkit application before the final public release of ios8 until they will be able to fix and update it.
These concerns make the users feel dissatisfied with the services that ios8 is offering. These bugs may be few but these are the kind of bugs that you do not want to experience with your Apple devices. IBTimes UK is now advocating that user should downgrade to ios 7.1.2 while waiting for further updates from Apple from fixing these bugs. So if you are not yet upgrading to ios8 then we can safely say that it is a wise and proactive decision.
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